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Why is the 19 century so exciting? What happened put Europe ahead of other civilizations and dominated the world? 

The nineteenth century was a turbulent time, and so was the world. However, if we had to choose a protagonist in the nineteenth century, it would have to be Europe. In the first half of the 19th century, the colonies of Europe and European countries were forced into the Napoleonic Wars, and the gun fired were bombing and clangorous under the seething, dust-filled sky. However, In the second half of the ninth century, Europe entered the Belle Époque (a beautiful epoch) of rapid development.[i] Europe made significant military, economic, and technological breakthroughs and played a leading role globally. The historian Norihiko Fukui once called the 19th century the Century of Europe. Goods, information, and people from Europe spread worldwide, and European ships sailed recklessly on the four oceans. This scene fully demonstrates the dominance of nineteenth-century Europe in the world.[1]


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The Dreadnought - British Pride or the Beginning of a Nightmare?


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